
エスがひとりで祈っておられたとき、弟子たちは共にいた。そこでイエスは、「群衆は、わたしのことを何者だと言っているか」とお尋ねになった。 弟子たちは答えた。「『洗礼者ヨハネだ』と言っています。ほかに、『エリヤだ』と言う人も、『だれか昔の預言者が生き返ったのだ』と言う人もいます。」 エスが言われた。「それでは、あなたがたはわたしを何者だと言うのか。」ペトロが答えた。「神からのメシアです。」
~ マルコによる福音書8:27~30 ~
エスは、弟子たちとフィリポ・カイサリア地方の方々の村にお出かけになった。その途中、弟子たちに、「人々は、わたしのことを何者だと言っているか」と言われた。 弟子たちは言った。「『洗礼者ヨハネだ』と言っています。ほかに、『エリヤだ』と言う人も、『預言者の一人だ』と言う人もいます。」 そこでイエスがお尋ねになった。「それでは、あなたがたはわたしを何者だと言うのか。」ペトロが答えた。「あなたは、メシアです。」 するとイエスは、御自分のことをだれにも話さないようにと弟子たちを戒められた。



~ Luke 9:18~20 ~

When Jesus was praying alone, His disciples were with Him. Then Jesus asked them, "Who do the crowds say that I am? The disciples answered. They say, 'John the Baptist. Others say, 'I am Elijah,' and still others say, 'Some prophet of old has come back to life.'" Jesus said. Who then do you say that I am?" Peter answered. 'I am the Messiah from God.'"

~ Mark 8:27~30 ~
Jesus went with His disciples to a village in the region of Philip and Caesarea. On the way, He said to His disciples, "Who do the people say that I am? The disciples said. They say, 'I am John the Baptist. Others say, 'I am Elijah,' and still others say, 'I am one of the prophets.'" Then Jesus asked them. 'Who then do you say that I am?' Peter answered. 'You are the Messiah.' Jesus then admonished his disciples not to tell anyone about him.

These verses depict a scene in which Peter expresses his faith.

The word "Messiah" is an Old Testament term meaning "the anointed one." Since oil is a symbol of the Spirit of God, it refers to a person who has been anointed with the Spirit of God. According to the Jewish messianic expectations of the time, the "Messiah," anointed by God, is the deliverer who, by his power, will deliver Israel from pagan domination and raise them to a position of glory. The word "Messiah" was translated into New Testament language as "Christ." Some of you may make confessions of faith in church, but do you know the shortest confession of faith? It is "Jesus Christ."